Who We Are SPMAO is the single largest and the oldest professional Structural Pest Management Industry Association in the province of Ontario. What does that mean for exterminators in Ontario who become members of this association? Just about everything you could need, every change in any type of information […]
How to Prepare For The Structural Exterminator Exam
A structural exterminator is the most common type of exterminator. The license they have is specific to the procedures they do. Other types of extermination require other types of licenses, education and permits. The is all controlled by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. MECP for short. They […]
Land Extermination License Types in Ontario
The Ministry And What It Does The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP or ministry) is the guiding establishment that sets rules and controls on pesticides, fumigants, and other chemicals used for extermination. The use, disposal, and purchase of all pesticides in Ontario are controlled solely by this […]
Water Extermination License types in Ontario Aquatic Vegetation, Fish/Mollusc, Mosquito/Biting Flies
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP or ministry) is the government body that controls the use, production, and disposal of pesticides. They also control what types of pesticides can be used, on what and when. The Ministry controls all pesticides from fumigants to herbicides. They both handle […]
Why would anyone work in pest control?
You might think to yourself and wonder why anyone would work in pest control? All technicians do is work in dirty environments that are smelly. Unfortunately, all of them have a truth to them, but not to the extent you think. Most of our preconceived notions are formed through outdated […]
The rewards of being a pest control technician
The rewards of a pest control technician are many. Working in pest control automatically comes with rewards in monetarily and emotionally as many of the customers, if not all will be elated once you solve their case bringing a true change to their lives they have not known for ages. […]
How Long is Pest Control Training?
One of the conditions that the Ministry of Environment sets is that every trainee or assistant wanting to become a licensed pest control technician or a licensed exterminator is that each candidate needs to complete the practical training. The practical training involves shadowing and completing jobs under the direct […]
Other Structural Exterminator licence types in Ontario
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP or ministry) controls all sale and use of pesticides in the province of Ontario. While other provinces have different rules on the uses of pesticides, in Ontario they are divided into classes and restricted by license type. In this case, we […]
Various Land Extermination License Types in Ontario
The Ministry And What It Does The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP or ministry) is the guiding establishment that sets rules and controls on pesticides, fumigants, and other chemicals used for extermination. The use, disposal, and purchase of all pesticides in Ontario are controlled solely by this […]
Pesticide Licences in Ontario (Exterminator, Operator, Vendor)
Technician and Trainee Technicians are not licensed pest control technicians. They may be working at an extermination company but they will not be allowed to handle any pesticide or the related chemical without the presence of not just a licensed exterminator but one that has a suitable amount of experience […]