In most basic terms, a wildlife removal technician is responsible for removing wild animals that are classified as rodents, mammals, and foul in compliance with the local province and industry laws and regulations. The life of a wildlife removal technician is really an exciting one as you are, in some instances, standing eye in eye with the perpetrator itself. It becomes your sole responsibility to remove the animal in question, in a safe and ethical way possible, both for ethical and legal reasons, using techniques that are most appropriate for the situation. When operating in Ontario, wildlife removal is a strictly regulated area by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
According to the Province of Ontario, it is the municipality’s responsibility to decide how and when to take appropriate measures between a human-animal conflict. In most cases, prevention is the most desirable outcome, but when all fails, the stipulations of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation act allow property owners to protect their property from harassing, trapping, or even killing (This is highly discouraged with some species). To become a ‘Wildlife Control Agent’ no license is needed, however when resorting to other means to trap the fur-bearing animals a trappers license is needed. Fur-bearing animals include, but are not limited to raccoons, red-squirrels, striped skunk, opossums, and beavers. Additionally, a valid Class G Ontarian driver license and height certificate is needed to be able to work at heights safely and responsibly.
To work as a functional wildlife removal technician as an adult, one must do the following
- Must have completed the Fur Harvest, Fur Management, and Conservation Course.
- Be a resident of Ontario or a Canadian citizen.
- Hold a valid Outdoors Card.
- Must have hunter accreditation on file with the Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service.
It must be understood that companies such as Wildlife Shield. rarely engage in trapping the animal or keeping the animal captive. Instead, we resort to an ethical and safe approach called the One-Way Door. It is simply a contraption that is mounted to the entry/exit point of a building or a structure to give the animal(s) in question a way out. Once it is out, the animal cannot re-enter the building or structure causing the animal(s) to go elsewhere. Trapping rarely offers any viable solution other than harming the animal. Only when it is really needed for a particular purpose do we trap.
To become a wildlife removal technician you must receive training from a wildlife control service this can be in the form of an internship or shadow. Typically these last no more than 3 months. It is highly recommended that you already have the technical skills and know-how to perform basic handyman tasks. In addition, height training must be taken and a certificate must be obtained. It is necessary for anybody working at heights since the bulk of the work involves getting work done on elevated parts of a house or building. Wildlife animals such as squirrels and raccoons love to nest and stay in attics and chimneys therefore knowing how to safely operate, fasten equipment, knowing your rights, responsibilities, and knowing how to spot danger is essential for the field.
Looking for a job in the wildlife field is exciting. You meet new people, go to new places, and deal with animals. It is up to you to get out and put your foot in the door to a new career!
Bellow you can find some recent job postings for Wildlife Removal Technicians in Ontario.
The Exterminators Inc. is has the following positions open and available: