An exterminator is a jack-of-all-trades. Not only must an exterminator know about all kinds of protocols, pesticides, regulations, and different kinds of pests, the exterminator must demonstrate problem-solving skills as well. Pest extermination is a field that comes with a lot of issues that need solving, finding alternatives, and the flexibility to immediately switch over to other plans when other methods do not work. The ability to look for alternatives is a highly important skill that goes a long way in a field where every situation is different and where every structure requires a different set of approaches to get rid of pests as efficient and as fast as possible.
Being a pest control technician means that you have to have exceptional attention to detail as you are working at heights and other constricted spaces were coming back a second time to correct the mistake may not be even an option. It is very important in pest control jobs to do everything right the first time. Taking into consideration that you are also working with pesticides which can be proven fatal if inappropriately handled. One misstep can have great consequences, so it is very important that you keep calm and collected at all times even when things do not go the way you want.
Even though the job for the most part solitary in nature, a pest control technician still needs to have great communication skills as the first point of contact is usually the property owner. It is very important to explain the property owner what you will be doing without using industry jargon and to convey information that lays out the procedure step by step. It should be noted that most of the customers that you will be facing will be always in some kind of distress. It is therefore very important to show that you are in control of the situation no matter the extent of the infestation. They rely on the pest control technician to solve the problem.
A career in pest control automatically means to travel from one location to the other. The exterminator needs to have a full-G license to carry out all his/her responsibilities fully. Usually, all the jobs of the days are pre-planned, but technicians always need to be prepared for any changes in their schedules at all times.
As mentioned in the beginning, a pest control technician must have a range of skills to do the job as efficiently however this does never goes unnoticed by relieved and satisfied customers who are incredibly grateful for the amazing job you have done in giving them finally peace of mind back they look forward to for so long.